About Centenant

Who and what is Centant?

The name Centenant came from the aim to keep the tenant at the center of our approach when designing our products.

At Centenant we stive to provide cloud based software to help property manamgement in a wide range of areas.

How we started

Our first product was a Rental Property Management system aimed at small to medium-sized landlords to assist them in easily managing their rental properties.

We realized that alot of landlords were using spreadsheets to manage their properties making it time consuming and problematic, if that spreadsheet got lost or corrupted their data would be gone. Along with the fact that you would always need to be at the work station where the spreadsheet is located.

After some time we got requests for a Sectional Title Management system to assist sectional titles / complexes to manage their day to day.

Why use Centenant Products?

With cloud based software you have access to all your information anywhere you can find a internet connection and a device to access it.

Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for our customers to manage properties but still give them total control, that is why there are very few automated actions built in.

We know the customer still wants to be hands-on when it comes to the details fo their property managemewnt.