Frequently Asked Questions

What is your contact info?

To contact us please send an email to

We do not have a publicly listed phone number, we prefer to keep all communications electronic.

Being a Software as a Service company we prefer to do everything through digital communications. This way it keeps a record of what was discussed for reference when looking back on past communications

Centenant Rental Property Management or RPM for short is a system that helps small to mediums-sized landlords manage their properties with ease.

It proviceds features like: automated rent invoicing, rent management, vendor management, maintenance requests and management, online applications, reporting and much more.

Centenant RPM was the first product we developed to make property management easier.

Centenant Sectional Title Management or STM for short is a sectional title management or complex management system to help trustees with their everyday management of a complex.

It provides features like: Maintenance reporting / ticketing, trustee management, vehicle and domestic management and tenant and owner communication.

Centenant STM was developed after some research and requests for this product in the market.

Our product pricing can be found on our pricing page HERE

It is safe to say that nothing on the internet is 100% secure, but we have taken all possible steps to make your information as safe as we can including but not limited to encrypting all sensitive information in the databse.

As for your account login details, that is all up to you. We reccomend using a strong secure password and not share those details with anyone.